Notizie ed eventi
Rimanete aggiornati ed esplorate la nostra gamma di prodotti. Ogni anno ospitiamo eventi formativi presso la nostra sede e partecipiamo ai principali congressi locali e mondiali della medicina estetica.
Qui potete scoprire i nostri successi passati e i prossimi impegni.
Successful Masterclass at CMed’s for Therapists and Physicians from the Middle East
We are excited to share the success of our recent masterclass event held from May 15 to May 17 at CMed Aesthetics headquarters in Pisa, Tuscany.
CMed Aesthetics Honored with Industria Felix Award for Outstanding Performance
We are proud to announce that CMed Aesthetics has been honored with the prestigious Industria Felix Award.
CMed Aesthetics Brand Refresh
We are thrilled to announce an important milestone in the evolution of the CMed Aesthetics brand.